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Klaipėda Sea Festival

Food Cart, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

I grew up by the sea and wherever I am in the world I am always drawn back to the coast. So when our neighbours asked if we wanted to go with them to the Klaipėda Sea Festival we jumped at chance.

Celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, the Klaipėda Sea Festival is one of Lithuania’s  biggest summer festivals, attracting over half a million people over four days. The weather was perfect – sunny, but not too hot. Stalls selling a plethora of wares from soaps to chopping boards lined the footpaths along the canal. We spent a few hours happily strolling and browsing, taking in the atmosphere. I even got to try my hand at pistol shooting!

Pistol Shooting, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

Eventually, hunger kicked in and we went in search of the food stalls. There were dozens to choose from, all selling typical Lithuania dishes –šašlykai (pork kebabs), fried peas, ham hock with sauerkraut and freshly smoked herring. I probably enjoyed the anticipation more than the food itself, but it was tasty nonetheless.

Food Cart, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

Food Cart, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

Smoked Herring, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

Food Cart, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

The highlight of this year’s festival was a spectacular fountain display. Getting to Jonas Hill, where the display was to take place, was a struggle as we battled a sea of people exiting from an earlier showing. It was worth it, though – it was truly a spectacular display. At one point the water formed a dense mist and was used like a cinema screen for projected images. It was quite surreal to see people dancing through the mists.

Large Crowds, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

Fountain Display, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

For me, the best part of the trip was the people we were with. Our neighbours are good company and their two little girls are an absolute delight – it was a joy to watch them enjoying the sights and sounds of the festival. We finished the weekend with a few hours on the beach, frolicking in the water and lapping up some sunshine. Then we piled into the car for the long drive home, exhausted but happy after a lovely weekend.

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Food Cart, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

Beer Selection, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

Food Cart, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

Food Cart, Klaipėda Sea Festival |

19 Comments Post a comment
  1. longchaps2 #

    Sounds like a much needed break from house remodeling. What a great weekend retreat. You’re a natural with that pistol by the way. Maybe you missed your calling, does law enforcement have any appeal? lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    August 6, 2014
    • Yeh, my dad was a policeman and when I was little that’s all I wanted to be. Police are unarmed in Ireland, though. It was definitely fun shooting at the tiny target! I fancy hunting for small game – rabbits and such like – so I might look into doing some training.


      August 6, 2014
      • longchaps2 #

        Ahhh, that accounts for that stance. You LOOK like you know how to handle a gun. It’s in your bloodline, lol. Now me, you don’t want to be in the same STATE when I pick up a gun. Butler shakes his head in defeat. You should go for it, lots of women hunt in my area and love it.

        Liked by 1 person

        August 6, 2014
  2. #

    What a wonderful weekend! Loved the grill and stove in the car! So funny. And so much food to chose from. I know no one left hungry.

    Liked by 1 person

    August 4, 2014
  3. The cooking contraptions are hilarious! Looks like a great festival. I happened to be in Palanga in May during their ‘summer opening’ festival, which was cool, but definitely did not as many food options there, but maybe that’s just because the main street in Palanga has dozens of restaurants and cafes.

    Liked by 1 person

    August 1, 2014
    • It could be that alright, Daina – those restaurants pay a lot to be there so they probably wouldn’t want carts poaching their business!


      August 3, 2014
  4. I could do with one of those smoked fish right now…

    Liked by 1 person

    August 1, 2014
  5. Love the ingenuity of all the methods of cooking 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    August 1, 2014
    • Yeh, some of them were really cool. I might try to build a smoker like that – it looked straightforward enough.


      August 3, 2014
  6. Yum! Are they actually using a car engine to grill something or is it just for show?!

    Liked by 1 person

    August 1, 2014
    • I think it’s just for show. At least, I hope so!


      August 1, 2014
  7. yeah, I’ve thought about going to Klaipėda, but all of my friends thought it was too hot for a trip in a non-A/C’ed car. We often go for this festival for just a day (same day arrival and departure), but it’s always great.
    since you’re now gun train, remember me not to piss you off – I’d want to keep my head intact 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    August 1, 2014
    • Yeh, A/C in the car was essential, Asta – we had it on full blast the whole time. There was a bit of a sea breeze in Klaipėda that helped cool things to bearable! I always fancied myself as an Annie Oakley but I found the gun a bit heavy. Might try a bow and arrow instead!

      Liked by 1 person

      August 1, 2014
      • ah, then you should come to Trakai. They used to do bow and arrow over there during some medieval festivals.
        Yes, A/C is indeed a must during this time of summer. Unfortunately mine car A/C is toast. That’s why I’m now trying to negotiate the terms of car ‘lease’ with my brother for my upcoming car trip in case this weather lasts and in case all of 4 (me not included) friends by any chance decide to actually join. No way my small Nissan Almera hatchback can fit all 5 of us with tent and other stuff, and it would be even worse with heat


        August 1, 2014
      • Bow and arrows are even more awkward to manoeuvre! You made it look like you knew what you were doing with the gun though 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        August 1, 2014
      • It was my first time with a gun and 6 out of 8 shots hit the target, so not bad! But even more than a fancy myself as Annie Oakley, I fancy myself as Merida from Brave. She makes a bow and arrow look both easy and so, so cool!


        August 3, 2014

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